The Fight to Call Out Stupidity
My 2020 New Year Resolution
My New Year resolution for 2020 will annoy, offend and my even be praised by some people. I generally hate the idea of New Year resolutions as they have turned in to marketing opportunities for businesses to pray on the majority that will never see them through. This year I intend to take on all the stupidity I see being posted on social media, talked about in the public domain or written in newspapers or magazines. The internet has become a trove for anyone and everyone to have some of the dumbest opinions on the planet and I believe more of us need to stand up to common sense.
Why you ask? Being the parent of 5 children and watching and listening to what they are exposed to has started to horrify me. Even through state institutions such as schools and universities. However, it is the exposure to online content that is of the greatest concern. There was a time when we could easily differentiate between fiction and non-fiction, satire, drama, comedy etc. Not anymore though. We are saturated by information that is incorrect, short sighted, fake or even worse, setting out to deceive.
There are deeper moral and ethical questions to be asked here. As these topics are barely taught or discussed these days though, it seems attempting to call out those guilty of all the stupidity a waste of effort for acting ethically or morally wrong. I believe the issue is that people want information and there is a continuous stream being produced to fill that need. Whether it is correct, wrong or absurd is not questioned. My aim is also not to belittle or abuse people but to keep a moderate tone and highlight where they may be wrong. Call it a form of education.
Now there are some subsets here that need to be noted. Firstly, as a prescribed atheist, I need to point out that I take a dim view of most of the claims made by religion which are completely ridiculous. I understand that this is a matter of opinion, but I am willing to use the standard response to claims by way of asking those making claims to ‘prove it’. Secondly, are those on the extreme outer fringes of political ideology. The alt right and far left are prone to making statements that are often seen as just too stupid for people to respond to. These definitely need to be addressed. Anything else will be based on its merits, or lack thereof.
My major concern with this resolution is that I may be setting myself up for failure due to the amount of content out there. This is a fair point. I certainly am not going to go out of my way to seek out stupidity but will keep an eye and ear out for it in my usual interests. So far, I have made good on my intention through a letter to the editor of a magazine I subscribe to (a first for me), commenting on Instagram posts that are dumb but still attract likes and commenting on Linkedin posts that are beyond what I believe is the scope of the platform. Already been called a lefty and arrogant and its only been a week. Interestingly, the personal attacks are coming from those that claim to be of faith.
We have been silent too long to the stupidity and dumbing down of society and more people should make a stand and call it out for what it is. Don’t let popularity trump reason. Stand up for common sense and rationality.
Anyway, now my plan is out there for all to read. Hopefully I won’t be called out for stupidity too quickly!